LSC Attendance Policy

Clarification of Attendance Responsibility

All documentation of exempt absences is required upon return. “Exempt” absences will be granted for:

  1. Personal illnesses requiring a doctor’s care. Documentation from a currently licensed medical or dental doctor is required after being seen in the medical office. Students are exempt for date of care if the note states the student is excused.
  2. Death and funeral of members of the household and family. Documentation from funeral home is required. Students may be excused for additional absences at principal's discretion.
  3. Religious observances, with documentation presented to the office.
  4. Work rendered at election polls on Election Day. Documentation from election board or political candidate is required.
  5. Appointments to appear in court. Documentation from the court clerk, judge or designee is required. Absence is only exempt when child's presence is required by the court.
  6. Medical or dental appointments that must be scheduled during the school hours. Documentation from a currently licensed medical doctor or doctor of dentistry is required. Such documentation must be presented to the school office upon return to school.  "Exemption" is given for a doctor or dental appointment, plus a reasonable amount of time for travel.
  7. Out of school suspensions.
  8. Serving as a legislative page. Documentation from the legislator for whom the student paged is required.
  9. School-sponsored activities requiring an absence (i.e. field trips, performances).
  10. Absences not covered in 1 – 8 above will be marked on the record as “absent”. Absences that are not confirmed with the appropriate documentation will be marked on the record as “absent” instead of “exempt.”
  11. Students will not be permitted to leave school during the day without permission from the building principal or his/her designee. A student who leaves the building without the school’s knowledge is considered truant. On a normal school day, school starts at 8:25 a.m.; if a student arrives at school after 8:40 a.m., the student will be marked tardy-truant. Students will be marked as tardy from 8:25-8:40 a.m. Students will not be released during the school day except to the custody of parents or legal guardian unless the parent or legal guardian identifies a designee in writing.
  12. A unique educational opportunity approved by the principal.
  13. The LSC school nurse may exempt absences (i.e.- vomiting at school, fever and head lice).

Procedures for Non-Attendance

Our goal is to work together with families to help improve attendance. Please help your child have the opportunity to become academically successful by having them at school on time each and every day. It's one of the most important things you can do for your child!

  1. Any time a student has an exempt absence, the documentation must be brought to the school to be filed within three (3) school days of the student's return.
  2. After a student has reached six (6) absences, the parents will receive an attendance letter from the principal notifying the parent of attendance concerns. “Exempt” absences identified in 1-13 above in this section do not count toward this total of six absences.
  3. After the student has reached nine (9) absences, the principal will send notification to the Office of Elementary Education. Parents will be notified of the state attendance law and further actions that may be taken if attendance problems continue. Parents are expected to contact the school principal to set up a conference regarding their student’s attendance. The principal may report the student’s absences to Truancy Mediation for further action. “Exempt” Absences identified in 1-13 above in this section do not count toward this total of nine (9) absences.
  4. Habitual absences, 12 or greater, will be reported to the Truancy Mediation Officer (Truancy Mediation – Tippecanoe County Superior Court #3) for the consideration of the juvenile court. It may also be filed with Child Protective Services as possible educational neglect.


  1. To report absences, the parent or legal guardian must call the school on the day of the absence after 7:30 a.m. and before 9 a.m., giving the reason for the absence. If a phone is not available, please send an explanatory note when your child returns to school. A student returning to school during the day should report to the general office.
  2. Appointments: Because your child will miss valuable learning opportunities, please schedule all medical or dental appointments outside the school day, if possible. Should your child be late or absent for medical or dental reasons, please send a note prior to the appointment or call the school office. Appointments must be made before/after school during state assessments, as students will NOT be released during testing.
  3. Students do not need to have completed and submitted assignments or tests the day they return following an exempt absence. Parents of students are responsible for contacting the teacher to schedule make-up work.
  4. If assignments are not picked up as scheduled, if a student returns to school before assignments are picked up, or if assignments are not completed and returned to the teacher, this service will not be available to the student during future absences.
  5. If a student is suspended out of school, his/her parents may pick up assignments in the office per directions of the school administrator. The student must complete the assignments by the time he/she returns to school. If work is not completed, further disciplinary action may result.



  1. A student is tardy to school if he/she is not in the classroom by 8:25 a.m. (The recommended time to be at school is 8:15 a.m.) If the student arrives after 8:25 a.m., he/she must bring a note or phone call from the parent or guardian with the reason for the tardy to the office to get a tardy admit. Detentions may be assigned for unexcused tardies (overslept, missed bus, etc.). All tardies are unexcused unless the parent provides approved documentation, i.e. doctor note, dental note, etc.
  2. If the student arrives after 8:40 a.m. without an exemption, he/she is considered to be tardy-truant. Each tardy-truant will be considered as a half-day absence and will be subject to the attendance procedures above and the accompanying truancy mediation procedures.
  3. After the sixth tardy, a letter will be sent home notifying parents of the number of tardies. After the ninth tardy and for each succeeding tardy, a consequence may be assigned.